Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Redpath museum

I had an unexpected day off last week and checked out the Redpath museum. I normally like to visit the R.O.M. in Toronto because i find it difficult to come into contact with a rhinosaurus in the city. Especially one that will stay still long enough to be drawn.
The Redpath museum is on the McGill campus here in Montreal (Rue Sherbrooke). Dinosaur skeletons, a mummy, a stuffed seagull and crystals are some of the amazing treasures to be found, all housed in a beautiful building. It might be faily nerdy of me to say but the sea shell collection is amazing. Here are some picutres from my visit. I definately recommend checking it out. Oh and its free!

Redpath museum building (with pink banners in center)

whoa the triceratops

main gallery

seashells and seashells

Redpath museum doorway.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Linds! I love shells too, so it's not too nerdy. We sure miss you at the shop these days! hope you are well. Jennifer.
